Greek Alphabet Divination: What Each Letter Means

Greek Alphabet Divination: What Each Letter Means

Runes are a popular form of divination that helps us to communicate and seek guidance from the gods. We are most familiar with Germanic runes but the Greek alphabet can also be used for divination.

With its growing popularity, Greek Alphabet Divination is steadily gaining traction as a popular method of communicating with the gods.

Incorporating Numerology into Your Practice

Incorporating Numerology into Your Practice

Have you ever considered incorporating numerology into your practice but were unsure how to begin? Numerology is the knowledge and understanding that all numbers have significance.

Most practicing pagans understand the significance of the day of the week, the time of the day, the phase of the moon, and various colors.

So why wouldn't you want to also incorporate the significance of individual numbers into your practice?

5 Spells To Care For Your Body and Spirit

5 Spells To Care For Your Body and Spirit

Most of the time as witches we do not focus enough on our self-care. I know what you are thinking, “I do self-care all of the time!”

Are you really doing enough?

Not only should you be doing the self-care routine you usually do, whether that be skincare, a bath, reading a book, or whatever else you like to do; you need to be incorporating it into your spell work as well.