Natures Calendar and the Modern Pagan

Long before clocks, calendars, and phone apps, the ancients knew how to monitor the passing of time. Natures calendar is based on lunar and solar cycles which give us the days, weeks, months, and seasons of the year.

These natural cycles have energy that is also present within us. By understanding these natural rhythms, we can be in harmony with nature and understand how to flow with her forces.

Sadly, in our modern world, our devices have led us away from nature. We work against our body’s natural rhythm. This article will explain natural cycles and how we can make them part of our lifestyle.

Ring of Brodgar

Ring of Brodgar

Henges as Early Clocks

Henges are formations that were used to observe the movement of the stars and planets. Technically they are a mix of ditches, embankments and stones or posts, often circular, that give a particular angle on the horizon. This allowed these ancient astronomers to see patterns and trace time.

Stonehenge is probably the most famous, but henges are found throughout Europe as the ancients thought about the concept of time and the power of the heavens. The Ring of Brodar (above) is thought to be the origin of henges.

Henges are ceremonial sites that were not used for living quarters. Nor were they used for defense as some have hypothesized (the ditches were in the interior of the circle). We may say they were a “church”, a place used to gather for rituals and astronomical events.

Check out this video Let’s Make Henges. This would be a good craft/science project for a high school student.


Our bodies are made of water which is subject to the lunar pull just like the tides. The sun also affects our energy and the combination of the two produces natural highs and lows. We all have energies and magical potential at different times.

All people are different. For instance, I am naturally a morning bird. My energy is best in the first half of my day. I totally wane about three in the afternoon each day. Evening tasks need to have little mental acuity.

One of my sons, however, is a complete night owl. He has to be dragged out of bed in the morning and shoved off to school with a mug of green tea. His first-period teacher says he is a quiet angel (right… he’s still comatose) but by third period he is a” bit of a chatterbox”. He will happily do his homework at eleven pm.

Unfortunately, our schools and jobs don’t often consider our natural clocks.

This means we need to be aware of our biorhythms and how they work with environmental forces. Your internal lunar and solar cycle will affect your physical and mental well-being. In addition, knowing when you are most powerful can help you to grow spiritually.

Days of the Week

Every day is a magical one! Ancient Romans named the days of the week after their Gods. Each God or Goddess had certain attributes that can assist us in our day-to-day life. Metals, gemstones, colors, and scents are also given to each day to offer guidance and power.

Even if you are stressed for time, incorporating some of these things into your day can bring you closer to the God/Goddess and the power that day brings. For instance, it’s Tuesday and you have a big meeting at work. Wear the power color red, wear or carry a garnet, and ask the God Mars for strength and courage.

The following chart can also help you with your magical practices. On Sunday when you may have more time wear some yellow and go sit outside in the sun. Honor the Goddess Brigid and ask for a blessing of illumination into a problem or challenge. Enjoy eating an orange (a solar fruit) and bake something using cinnamon.

The full moon

The full moon

Moon Cycles

The moon has a very powerful influence on the earth and all living creatures. The position of the earth and the moon phase can dramatically affect your mental, physical, and spiritual health.

The moon has long been used by farmers to decide when to sow, tend, and harvest plants. The Old Farmers Almanac which comes out yearly gives moon times for the year. Biodynamic farmers use the lunar calendar to find the best times to plant or harvest crops. Today we have been to the moon and astronauts and other scientists study the moon.

Ancient religions and modern Wiccan’s follow the cycles of the moon as they relate to magic.  The ancients found the light of the moon comforting its light a source of safety.

Witches have a reputation for coming out at night and flying by the light of the moon. Maybe this is linked to the tradition of performing magic under the moon or feeling safe to go out and perform rituals.

Gods/Goddesses of the Night

As pagans and witches, we embody the moon as a symbol of the Goddess. She is the counterpart to the Sun God.

Diana, Artemis, Luna, Phoebe, and Hecate are all-powerful Goddesses of the Greeks and Romans.

Some ancient cultures have a Moon God such as the Egyptian Khonsu and Babylonian Sin.

The Ancient Norse had Hjuki and Bil, a brother and sister, who followed Mani (the moon) across the heavens

The Chinese Goddess Chang Xi was the mother of the twelve moons – each one corresponding to a month

The Ancient Aztecs worshiped Metzil, Goddess of the moon and farmers

The Triple Goddess

The Triple Goddess is a deity that represents the three figures of the goddess – Maiden, Mother, Crone – each a stage of the female life. Wiccan pagans in particular worship the Triple Goddess.

Read Robert Graves The White Goddess to learn more about the Triple Goddess

Similar to the days of the week the different phases of the moon have meaning. (Insert chart)


Fun Family Activities

Play games

The Egyptian God Khonsu had a gambling “problem”! He especially liked the game Senet. It is said that once he lost five days of moonlight to the Goddess of the Sky, Nut. During that time Nut gave birth to her five children.

You can buy the game Senet here.

Honor Khonsu by playing cards and games of chance with your children.

Care for Animals

Artemis is a favorite Goddess in many families. She oversees the hunt and wild animals. Honor Artemis by learning about animal tracks and scat. Go hiking and look for signs of animals. Discuss ways that we take care of animals.

Celebrate Pagan Holidays! Check out our Celebration Calendar to find fun ways to enjoy many pagan holidays.